Friday 13 April 2012

The New Generation, is it really new?

Generation Y. 
Neuborne, E. | Kerwin, K.
Business Week , pp. 46-50. 15 Feb. 1999 

'America's new generation, called Generation Y, Echo Boomers or Millennium Generation, are forcing marketers to rethink their strategies. The brands that were popular with their parents are being rejected by this generation. It is believed that behind the shift in Gen Y labels lies a shift in values on the part of Gen Y consumers. Having grown up in an even more media-saturated, brand-conscious world than their parents, they respond to ads differently, and they prefer to encounter those ads in different places. The marketers that capture Gen Y's attention do so by bringing their messages to the places these kids congregate, whether it's the Internet, a snowboarding tournament, or cable TV.'

Is this statement true though, with ever changing fashion many are beginning to re-wear their parents clothes, the reestablishment of vintage clothing. Old brands and adverts are also very closely watch, modern art reflecting back to the late 80's with Artists such as Andy Warhol producing future art back in the 80's - 90's artists of today are trying to bring back and recreate art work of that generation.
So is generation Y really expanding its choices and decisions or just evolving a world of social networking? 

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