Friday 13 April 2012

Impact of Facebook on GEN Y

Raising Social Awareness Through Facebook

Generation Y is arguably the most socially conscious generation in existence. They're well aware of how social changes affect them and use the internet as a tool to keep them aware of what's going on. Generation Y's are making their stances well known on Facebook. In 2006, the top 10 advocacy groups on Facebook were:

  1. Reduce the Drinking Age to 18! - 111,275

  2. Legalize Same-Sex Marriage - 80,458

  3. Americans for Alternative Energy - 69,465

  4. Support a Woman's Right to Choose - 66,806

  5. Support Stem Cell Research - 55,219

  6. Abolish Abstinence Only Sex Education - 54,712

  7. Government + Religion = Disaster - 47,949

  8. AIDS / HIV research - 24,789

  9. Equal Rights for Gays - 24,013

  10. Pro-Life - 22,409

While Gen Y still participates in rallies, protests, and group meetings, for them it's a lot easier to start a movement with a Facebook group and let the masses join in. These groups are not being ignored either. Money is donated daily, boycotts are being arranged quicker, and news is spreading faster. Gen Y is taking technology and advocacy to another level.

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