2013 Career Blog - Future, Expectations, Dreams

Personal Details and Social Media Link
My Instagram Link Below :

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 My personal Twitter Link, May not all be, shall we say appropriate  however if you want some up to date news and some personal opinions of media related events and creations, give it a follow - 


The above link, is the direct link to my Linkedin page, please feel free to look and contact me. Through using Linkedin, it allows me to connect with the outside business world to build contacts and help future.

The following Blog will highlight and I will build upon my personal career aspirations while and once i have completed and graduated from University.

The assessment criteria that i am aspiring to fulfill and gain all possible marks from is as follows:

  • 25% Mission and Vision 
  • 25% Design and Creativity
  • 25% External Content
  • 25% Personal Content 
Each time i cover a bulleted point from above i will make a direct approach to the piece that i am covering and describe in more depth.

Mission And Vision

Mission - 

I am currently nearing the end of my 2nd year of study at University and have begun to look into the ever nearing obstacle that is the famous Uni Students arch enemy - The Dissertation, one could say it is like Spectre to James Bond or The Joker to Batman. The 10,000 word document has no real limits except its word limit, allowing the student to write upon any subject they feel will enable them to complete it.

Moving back to the current situation i am in, i am close to completing CW2 for the Digital Technologies module, in which the task was as a group to produce a magazine that looked at the traffic building methods used by our chosen companies to target their chosen market(once this magazine has been completed a link to this magazine will come available on this site.)

As mentioned above my Cw2 a magazine focused upon the Traffic Building methods used by the 'High End' Headphones makers. The link to the magazine is below :


Past and Recently attended conferences and events

Social Media Week 23-27 September 2012

Social Media Conference is the largest convention focused on social media in the enterprise. The convention is attended by intelligence agencies, NGOs, Global 1000 businesses and academic institutions involved in the social media market. Topics include social media, business strategies, mobile & wireless technology, legal, news, online community software, strategy, funding and new technologies.
The conferences upon which i attended one being held on the final day of the event, was based around a book release being held a few days later and looked into the ways in which people manage and communicate. The speaker in association with this event was a guest lecturer at University and his book launch was later held at the University itself. The book includes interviews from people in politically high positions, one being the speech writer and advisor to the US President Barack Obama, while another interviewee is a well know british icon taking up many professions, Steven Fry.

Bucks - Careers Day

I recently attended a careers day being held at the High Wycombe Campus in the Gateway building. The conferences was made up of business and organisations varying from technological to welfare to volunteering all offering students the chance to have either work experience or paid internships in various departments and locations, many of the volunteering and some specific organisations offered either paid or free work in countries such as New Zealand and America teaching Kids sports and helping with development. Technological companies such as HP where at the event, offering students chances and information on taking up internships in the business and retail area of their company, also offering placements with the development teams, working on new products.

Dave Chaffey - Smart Insights

 About - Dave is the  editor of many of the 7 Step to Success guides on Smart Insights. He is a bestselling author, consultant and speaker who enjoys sharing tips, tools and techniques on all things digital, but especially those most influential in driving awareness, leads and sales.

Smart Insights, Book and Visit 

Dave Chaffery recently visited Buckinghamshire New University, to publicise his new book, but also to boost the knowledge of students in the specific area of digital marketing and helps upon your planning and allowing you to get full use out of digital marketing optimising your performance. The book which he brought for the day can be seen below.

CW2 Magazine completed! 
The digital magazine that we had to produce around the subject of traffic building is completed and our group meeting with our lecturer to receive our result was very positive. Our CW1 magazine was no where close to the quality we produced for this magazine and looking back at it, such small and vital inclusions of topics and design app recitation can really affect the overall mark.

I have attached below the link for the magazine that myself and my group produced for CW2 and i am proud to show off this piece of work, scoring 73% = a 1st


CW3 - Completion date Friday 10 May

For our Coursework 3 task for Digital Technologies, we have to produce a business idea/Concept that we believe will work in todays market. For this My Group and I have produced an idea of a digital Bus, this bus will have the capabilities to record an artists work, due to the onboard recording studio that our bus will hold. Additional features that we shall develop within our bus over the next few years is to build in a design and video centres, which will allow our artist to not only record their song, but also produce and album artwork and a slice of their music videos.

For this project we also have to produce a 15 presentation, which our group is currently finishing off.

Summer internships  and  Work experience

Over the summer my aim is to enquire as much work experience that i possibly can, so far i have secured some work in 'Wildfire' a magazine development company in Bristol, through spending time here i will learn the fundamentals of magazine development, one idea that i currently have is to produce a magazine focusing upon a specific market sector. 

I also have a great aspiration to work for GQ in the future as a writer in their fashion or sports department, i have recently been in contact with a figure in the GQ corporation and am currently looking into securing a place.

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