Tuesday 15 January 2013

1. Bulmers Plan B advert - Summer 2011

“Experimenters Wanted”, a multi-

million-pound through-the-line 

marketing campaign to support 

Bulmers Nº17, launched on July 12. 

The campaign invites UK consumers 

to experiment through a variety of 

experiential, digital and print 

engagement initiatives, hubbed 

through a bespoke Facebook page.

The campaign, which opens with a media partnership with Metro, invites consumers to engage and experiment with Bulmers No17 through
•    Outdoor media including interactive bus shelters
•    An experimental TV ad
•    National PR and social media campaign
•    On-trade activation
•    Media partnerships
•    Experiential activity, with national opportunities to sample Bulmers Nº17
•    Digital campaign including mobile applications 

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