Sunday 6 May 2012

How Bulmer's Plan B advert, is suited to the audience it is aiming to attract

The overarching theme of the advert challenges the viewer to ‘experiment’, take a
chance and try new things, reinforcing the association between
drinking alcohol with improved confidence and performance. The
implication that drinking alcohol will improve either confidence or
performance is contrary to both the spirit and wording of various
different sections of the BCAP Code. That rap star-turned-singer
Plan B is likely to appeal to a youthful demographic, however which may lead to the heightened potential risk of the Code breach.

The code which the advert has a chance of breaching-

BCAP Code 19.8 = 

Alcohol must not be portrayed
as capable of changing mood,
physical condition or behavior
and alcohol advertising must
not imply that alcohol can
improve any type of performance.

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